Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Should I Go to Prison? An Article by Comedian Omobaba No1

The story of the ALUU 4 still remains fresh in our memories. 4 young individuals with a promising future were brutally murdered by an ignorant and inhuman community over alleged stealing. Months after the ugly incident, our beloved country's judicial system is yet to make justice prevail over the death of these fellas.

With the alarming increase in corruption among public office holders and lack of accountability from our leaders, one can't help but wonder why 'assumed' thieves are hunt to death while the real thieves caught with billions of naira (public fund that could have been used to better the lives of the masses) are given sentences - little amount as fine and less properties seized.

Considering previous 'culprits' that have milked this nation of its wealth and how they are still being celebrated, one is left to ask if the quickest and safest way to be a billionaire in this country is to convert public wealth for personal use and when you are caught, prosecuted and sentenced, you are sent to a 'special' prison for a few days and fined a minute amount that won't make you sweat? At the end of the day, such people become freemen and still recognised with awards.

How do you intend to inspire hard-work, commitment and excellence in the minds of the younger generation when the likes of Cecilia Ibru, Bode George, Tafa Balagun, Lucky Igbinedion and Diepreye Alamieyesigha embezzled billions of naira not rightfully theirs and when tried, were given lenient sentences.

The 'Giant of Africa' lacks world class health care facilities for proper medical services, the nation lacks infrastructure that will drive the economy forward. The highly skilled, exceptionally talented, ambitious professionals and artisans are inadequately rewarded and uncelebrated. Our education system is in shambles. Meanwhile, a set of people amass wealth at the expense of the average citizen. What a shame!

Does that mean to be a billionaire in this country, all you have to do is steal from the nation's purse, end up in prison for 2 years and pay a fine of #750,000? I'm just saying, should I go to  prison?

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